Early Years Settings

Plate with a knife and fork

Portion Size Guide for Adults and Children

It’s important for us to eat a variety of foods from the four main food groups to ensure we get all the nutrients we need. However, it can be tricky to know how much is enough. That’s why we’ve created this blog, to help outline portion size guidance for adults and children and provide some…

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Planning Vegetarian Meals for Children

Vegetarian meals and snacks are suitable for children as long as they’re planned to include a wide range of foods to meet their nutritional needs. Vegetarian meals have become popular choices for many families and their children. Some of the main reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet is due to dietary preferences, as a way…

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Cheese sandwich, cherry tomatoes, hummus, carrot sticks, berries and yogurt with berries in a packed lunch box with a water bottle.

Top tips for creating a healthy packed lunch for kids

Sending your kids to school, nursery or holiday clubs with a healthy packed lunch is important. What they eat throughout the day supports their growth and development, and also fuels their ability to learn, concentrate and play. Let’s take a look at our top tips for planning healthy, nutritious packed lunches for your little ones….

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Growing and Gardening Activities for Children

There are so many benefits to gardening with children and so in this blog we explore some fantastic basic growing activities that you can do indoors or outdoors with your little ones. Why are gardening activities beneficial? Growing and gardening activities offer so many fun and interesting learning opportunities for children. For example, children can:…

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Child eating at nursery

Mealtime Environment in your Early Years Setting

A positive mealtime environment in your early years setting provides opportunities for children to learn about food and the importance of making nutritious choices.  The revised Early Years Foundation Stage framework (opens in new tab) learning and development requirements, emphasise the importance of supporting children to learn how to look after their bodies, including how…

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Children cooking in nursery

Teaching Children to Cook

It’s important that we’re teaching children to cook, as it’s a fantastic opportunity for them to learn new skills and explore a range of foods from an early age. We know that developing healthy eating habits and an interest in food, early on, can help promote lifelong positive attitudes and enjoyment of good food and…

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Nursery Snack Platter of sliced fruits and vegetables

Tooth Friendly Drinks and Snacks

Choosing tooth friendly drinks and snacks can help to reduce children’s risk of oral health problems, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Up to 90% of tooth decay can be prevented by reducing the amount of sugar we eat, through regular tooth brushing and regular visits to the dentist. However, almost 25% of 5…

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Toddlers desserts and puddings – should I offer them?

Why offer desserts? To support toddlers to meet their energy and nutrient requirements they need regular meals, puddings and snacks across the day. Toddlers can be offered three meals (breakfast, lunch, tea), desserts and two or three snacks each day to get the balance of nutrients they need. Alongside lunch and tea, there is a…

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Glass of Milk

Which Milk Should I Offer My Toddler?

It is important to ensure your toddler gets enough fluid across the day and this can be achieved by offering them six to eight drinks (each 100 to 150ml). You may find your little one needs more fluids in warm weather or when exercising. The best drinks for your toddler are milk and water. Water…

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Using a kettle to fill a bottle

Guide To Making Up Infant Formula

In this blog we’ll be exploring the Start for Life guide to preparing infant formula, how to sterilise baby feeding equipment and making up your baby’s feeds safely. It’s also important that staff in your early years setting (nursery/childminder) follow the step- by- step guide to correctly and safety preparing feeds. What is infant formula…

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