Wellbeing and Nutrition Bronze Award – Firuja Begum

Well done to Firuja Begum, a childminder who recently achieved the Early Start Wellbeing and Nutrition Bronze award! This is a huge achievement for Firuja as she is the first childminder in Newham to receive the award. Firuja has recently extended her nutrition knowledge by attending our Tier 1 and 2 training sessions. Firuja has role modelled best practice across her provision and continually emphasises the importance of health and wellbeing to children and their families in the following ways:

  • Using the Early Start Nutrition top tips leaflet to promote key healthy eating messages on best drinks and snacks
  • By developing a display board which she rotates with key messages to ensure parents continue to offer healthy foods at home
  • By creating a general leaflet folder which is available for parents to take information home that they find helpful

Following attendance at our Menu Planning training Firuja has also followed the Eat Better Start Better guidelines when planning her menus to ensure children’s nutritional requirements are met across the day. The children in Firuja’s setting have lots of opportunities to learn about food through sessions such as snack making activities, cooking with the children so that they can see what it means to be healthy hands on.

If you are interested in our Health award(opens in new tab) and our Online training (opens in new tab) you can find lots of information across our website.


Wellbeing and Nutrition Team

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